About Us

About Paris Martin

For over 30 years Paris Martin Smith has been feeding people. Family, friends, loved ones, strangers, anyone who was hungry. As far back as she can remember, food, more importantly – sharing food, has always been associated with LOVE. It was no surprise that she would find love and joy in giving to others. Paris has spent many years as a caregiver for others, but when the time was right, she decided to shift her energies and show her care through her passion, which is cooking. A natural educator, people began to listen and follow and watch as Paris took her craft to the internet. Coining the phrase “Waste Nothing”,

Paris Martin Smith creates healthy, hearty, and delicious meals. Her meals pack a great taste and showcase her skills and talents. As a Vegan, vegetarian, and meat dishes are all her specialty – She has something for everyone! With the support of her Youtube subscribers and Instagram followers, Paris has built quite a name for herself online. In her community she is known for her food and amazing recipes.

To get more information on Paris Martin Smith or PMS Made Me Do It please fill out the form below: